Tällä sivustolla käytetään evästeitä kävijämäärien seurantaan sekä markkinoinnin kehittämiseen. Jatkamalla sivuston käyttöä hyväksyt evästeiden käytön.

Making the web work for you

Pandoworks is a small and agile IT company located in Turku, Finland. It creates innovative and interactive web content for all kinds of needs that customers can think of.

Pandoworks has developed e.g. financial management services, corporate intranets/extranets and game platforms and services for educational institutes.

In addition to performing magic online, Pandoworks also trains personnel especially in the education sector on various IT subjects.

Pandoworks' main area of operations is Finland.

Don't be afraid to ask if there is a solution to take your business to the next level - Pandoworks can make the web work for you!

Quote owl

Captain of our fairy band, Helena is here at hand; And the youth, mistook by me, Pleading for a lover's fee. Shall we their fond pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be!

William Shakespeare | Midsummer's Night Dream